Python's Iterators

In Python, iterators play a crucial role in efficient data traversal and manipulation. Iterators are objects that enable sequential access to elements in a collection without exposing its underlying structure. By implementing the iterator protocol, Python allows for easy iteration over objects such as lists, strings, dictionaries, and custom classes. In this article, we will explore the concept of iterators in Python, understand their usage, and see practical examples of how they simplify data processing tasks.

Understanding Iterators :

An iterator is an object that adheres to the iterator protocol, which consists of two essential methods: '__iter__()' and '__next__()'. The '__iter__()' method returns the iterator object itself, while the '__next__()' method returns the next element in the collection. When there are no more elements to iterate over, the '__next__()' method raises the 'StopIteration' exception.

The iterator protocol allows Python to use a for loop or any other iterable method to access the elements of a collection efficiently, without needing to know the underlying data structure.

Iterable vs. Iterator :

It is important to distinguish between an iterable and an iterator in Python. An iterable is an object that can be iterated over using a loop or other iterable methods. It must have an '__iter__()' method, which returns an iterator object.

An iterator, on the other hand, is an object that implements the '__iter__()' and '__next__()' methods, providing sequential access to elements in the collection.


                    my_list = [1, 2, 3]
                    iterable = iter(my_list)  # Returns an iterator
                    print(next(iterable))     # Output: 1
                    print(next(iterable))     # Output: 2
                    print(next(iterable))     # Output: 3
                    print(next(iterable))     # Raises StopIteration exception

In this example, 'my_list' is an iterable, and we use the 'iter()' function to obtain an iterator from it. We then use the 'next()' function to fetch elements one by one from the iterator.

Built-in Iterators :

Python provides built-in iterators for many of its data structures, such as lists, strings, dictionaries, and files. These iterators allow for simple and efficient data processing tasks.


                  # List Iterator
                  my_list = [1, 2, 3]
                  for item in my_list:

                  # String Iterator
                  my_string = "Hello"
                  for char in my_string:

                  # Dictionary Iterator
                  my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
                  for key in my_dict:
                    print(key, my_dict[key])

Creating Custom Iterators :

We can create custom iterators for your classes by implementing the '__iter__()' and '__next__()' methods.


                    class MyCustomIterator:
                      def __init__(self, data):
                 = data
                          self.index = 0

                      def __iter__(self):
                          return self

                      def __next__(self):
                          if self.index < len(
                              result =[self.index]
                              self.index += 1
                              return result
                              raise StopIteration

                    # Using the custom iterator
                    my_list = [1, 2, 3]
                    custom_iterator = MyCustomIterator(my_list)
                    for item in custom_iterator:

In this example, we define a custom iterator MyCustomIterator, which allows sequential access to elements in the data list.

Using the iter() Function :

The iter() function plays a crucial role in iterating over various data structures. It takes an iterable as an argument and returns an iterator object.


                    my_list = [1, 2, 3]
                    my_iterator = iter(my_list)
                    for item in my_iterator:

Built-in Functions for Iterators :

Python provides several built-in functions that simplify working with iterators. Some of the commonly used functions include:

  • next(iterator[, default]) : Retrieves the next element from the iterator. If the iterator is exhausted, it returns the default value or raises a StopIteration exception.
  • iter(object[, sentinel]) : Returns an iterator from the given object. If sentinel is provided, it should be a callable that takes no arguments and is used to signal the end of iteration.
  • enumerate(iterable[, start=0]) : Returns an iterator that generates tuples containing the index and items from the iterable.
  • zip(*iterables) : Returns an iterator that aggregates elements from multiple iterables.